Just in time Intervention for Personalized Healthcare Behavior-Context based Intervention Adaptation


Advanced computing has provided the foundation for the self-assessment of lifestyle and change unhealthy habits. The focus of the healthcare industry has been shifted to adopt a healthy lifestyle for improvement of life quality and span. Currently, the main concern of wellness applications is to support the user with personalization and self-quantification. The challenge is not only to indicate unhealthy behavior just in time but also adapt it step-by-step through the realization of behavior change theories. Our proposed methodology focuses on the behavior-context for adopting the appropriate way of intervention for actionable behavior. Initially, lifelog and questionnaire-based qualitative assessment of behavior is performed for the identification of behavior-context and status. Behavior-context wise intervention is provided to adapt behavior in an actionable manner. The interventions are in the form of personalized education, and context-based just-in-time recommendations with enhanced impact through analysis of unhealthy factors of lifestyle. The healthy behavior index supports the quantifications and mapping of behavior-context and status to drive the interventions along with analysis of the change in behavior. The theory and index related to behavior have enhanced the applicability of wellness management systems through behavior status sketching to adopt a healthy lifestyle. The results represent that behavior-context based intervention is more responsive and improve their lifestyle.

ICOIN 2020
Usman Akhtar
Usman Akhtar

My research interests include Linked Open Data, cloud computing, big data, and distributed systems. matter.